What Ancient Greeks Knew About Food Processor That You Still Don't

The best food processors

If you need a helping hand in the kitchen, why not invest in a food processor? Mix, blend, slice, chop,
Mince, emulsify and more with one of these gadgets.
The best food processors to give you a helping hand in the kitchen
Food Processor with Blender
Do everything from chopping vegetables to juicing your favorite fruits with this food processor and
The seven attachments (chopper blade, slicer blade,shredding blade, emulsifying disc, kneading blade,
Citrus juicer and chip cutter), are designed to be used easily with the 1.4 litre processor bowl, while the
1.8 litre blending jug is helpful for making smoothies, shakes, and sauces.
The versatile machine makes it easy to Generate a wide variety of foods like homemade hummus, chips,

Being in place, and detachable steel blades for easy cleaning.

Liquidiser and the processor on the same base) this model will fit nicely in your kitchen without taking up

Magimix 5200XL Premium BlenderMix Food Processor
Three buttons allow you access to all functions, while the motor automatically adjusts itself, supplying
The ideal power for different tasks.
It also comes with three different sized bowls (main, midi and mini), each of them able to function
Independently at exactly the exact same time when slotted inside each other, so it is possible to carry out several tasks at
The extra large feed tube is fantastic for bulk preparation and makes it ideal for bigger families.
Breville Pro-Kitchen Food Processor
This processor from Breville comes with a number of useful attachments, including a fine and coarse
Grating disc, a food pusher, a spatula, plus a multitude of recipes to get you started.
Mini Food Processor
It can be annoying to dig out your food processor for smaller tasks such as making sauces and dips.
That's where this mini food processor from Cuisinart comes in.
Compact enough to sit on your counter without being intrusive, the processor is Ideal for your
Everyday tasks like chopping nuts, vegetables, cheese and meats, grinding coffee beans, and can
Even do basic blitzing so that you can make sauces and dips without difficulty.
Tefal Cuisine Companion
Able to whip, knead, mix, whisk, emulsify, steam, blend, stir, sear and crush, Tefal's Cuisine Companion
Is intended to do the work of up to ten traditional kitchen appliances.
It has multiple cooking modes and a variety of mixing speeds - from delicate to ultra-fast - so you can
Adjust the setting depending on what meal you're cooking.
Though pricey, it's designed to create no-hassle meals within a single device - ideal if you don't have
enough storage space for lots of different gadgets.
VonShef Food Processor
This budget food processor from VonShef is capable of undertaking a variety of culinary activities, from
creating healthy fruit juices to mixing ingredients for cakes.
The large mixing bowl (2.5 litres) can hold a whole host of ingredients simultaneously, while the broad chute
Allows you to add food and ingredients easily when required.
It has ten variable speeds, allowing you to select the setting that works best for your meal, and an
additional 'pulse setting' to mix your ingredients into the perfect consistency.
Dualit XL1500 Food Processor
Perfect for kneading, mixing, chopping and blending, this sturdy Dualit food processor comes with
Several helpful attachments. These include: three bowls in varying sizes (with an integrated sealed drive
System to avoid leakage), three blades for each bowl, a grating/shaving disc (perfect for hard cheeses
and chocolate), and a shredding disc to shred most vegetables into fine slices.


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